These are some of the projects I have worked on, and am currently working on. As you go through the projects note the process and design choices that were made, and how it improved the overall design.

programmer illustration




Anirak Irafaj Bohemian Jewelry

Ceo Karina Mardenborough
Anirak Irafaj Bohemian Jewelry is a Jewelry e-commerce that creates custom-made jewelry in gold and silver.

Logo design, branding, web design,wireframes, Web development

UX research was done, wireframes were created, the logo designed and is used, a brand-style guide was made and implemented the website is up and running. The company has a cohesive brand.

lopo pic brand style guide website anirak irafaj




Ceo, Thale
Roar Bikes is a manufacturer of small run, contemporary bicycles. Roar Bikes is co-owned by three passionate guys, but is the brain-child of Thale.

Wireframes, UI Design, user-testing UI assets for developer

Ux research done on the type of store.Wireframes were created and feedback given on the design, a high-fidelity prototype was made, which was then user-tested, and after review approved.

roar logo pic

While you are here, why don't you schedule a free 30-minute consulting session with me to see how I can help you grow your business.